Role: Senior Thought Holder
Eris comes from a lineage of scholars and archivists. Growing up surrounded by ancient manuscripts and cutting-edge technology melding magic and science, she was a prodigy in the arcane arts. Her family’s downfall due to political shifts made her deeply cynical about power structures, pushing her into the secretive world of the TH.
Eris is often cloaked in garments that shimmer with a faint, silvery glow --a side effect of the thought-holding artifacts embedded in her clothing. Her eyes, once bright and curious, now carry a permanent, distant glaze, reflecting the multitude of thoughts she's burdened with.
Thought Retention Method:
Eris uses a combination of magical artifacts and mental discipline to hold thoughts. She wears a "Diadem of Convergence" that helps channel and stabilize the thoughts, preventing them from overwhelming her. The diadem is linked to a series of tattoos that run down her spine, acting as conduits to distribute the mental load across her body, reducing strain.
Philosophy and Motivation:
Initially, Eris believed in the noble cause of preserving knowledge and thoughts that could benefit society. However, her involvement with the Climate Destroyers has twisted her mission. She now holds onto destructive thoughts that she believes are necessary for the rebirth of a new world order, reflecting her disillusionment and desire for upheaval.
Internally, Eris is torn between the foundational beliefs of her youth and the harsh realities she’s faced as a TH. She begins to question whether some thoughts are worth holding onto, especially when she sees the environmental destruction they cause.
Plot Role:
Eris could be a pivotal character who interacts closely with the protagonist, perhaps initially as a mentor or ally before revealing her true affiliations. Her expertise in thought retention could be crucial in a plot where the protagonist needs to uncover or intercept a particularly dangerous thought.
Redemption Arc:
Her journey might involve a critical turning point where she chooses to release a catastrophic thought she’s been holding, deciding to support the protagonist’s efforts to heal the world instead.